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Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

Tropic Thunder (2008) [Resume, Trailer and Download]

This Film is so fanny !!!

I used to LOVE Ben Stiller. Zoolander, Dodgeball, Meet The Parents and several others. But over the last couple of years it seems he’s put out trash film after trash film and I’ve almost totally lost interest. I sort of feel the same way about Jack Black… used to love him, but he’s disappointed me too much over the last little while. So when the first couple of trailers came out for Tropic Thunder, the only thing that REALLY caught my attention was the presence of Robert Downey Jr. playing a black guy. It looked like it could be too funny for words. So my expectations were that the movie would be bad, but that Downey may be good enough to at least give me some laughs. I’m very happy to say the film greatly exceeded my expectations.

The basic idea behind Tropic Thunder looks something like this: A big budget war movie is being made by a first time director and a hard assed heartless producer staring 3 big name actors. The problem is the film isn’t going so well, the producer is furious, the actors are hindering the process and the director is at his wits end. In a desperate attempt to give the movie a gritty realism, the director drops the actors in the middle of the jungle, but unknowingly drops them in the wrong country… and although they think they’re secretly being filmed for the movie, they’re actually in the middle of a fight for their lives.

I’ve said this many times before, but it’s worth repeating here. If you’re making a comedy movie, the single most important thing is to make people laugh. You can get away with a LOT of mistakes in your movie if you make the audience laugh… at the same time you can do everything right, but if you fail to make people laugh, then your movie sucks. Tropic Thunder makes you laugh. It’s just that simple. They aren’t the smartest laughs… they aren’t high brow laughs… but oh my goodness they are laughs nonetheless. This is a FUNNY flick.

We all expected Robert Downey Jr. would knock it out of the park, and he doesn’t disappoint (although someone else stole the show from him… but I’ll get to that in a moment). He’s always working the character so much that even the most mundane lines that come out of his mouth make you smile. When he switches from “black” to Australian it’s pure gold.

As the movie starts we’re treated to 4 fake trailers, each staring one of the 4 main actors in the movie. The trailers are designed to not only be funny, but also to introduce us to the characters. Sweet heavens THEY WERE HILARIOUS! But they weren’t just hilarious, they were also a very creative and effective way to get us to know the main players before the “story” of the movie got started.

The cameos in this film are some of the best executed use of cameos I’ve ever seen. Very well done.

Ok… this is the big one. TOM “Fucking Scientologist Freaky Nut Job” Cruise flat out steals this movie every single moment he’s on screen. No, I’m not being sarcastic. No, I’m not exaggerating. And no, I’m not kidding. Cruise doesn’t have a huge role in the movie (maybe about 10 minutes of screen time) but wow… each precious second he’s on screen I was laughing my ass off. This was EXACTLY the type of role he needed to do right now. I’m so glad they never used any of his footage in the trailers… it makes it more effective. Mark my words… people will be talking about Cruise’s performance in this movie for the rest of the year. It’s pure comedy gold.

Remember how I said if you make people laugh in a comedy, you can get away with a lot of other stuff? Yeah well, it’s a good thing for Tropic Thunder because making us laugh is about the only thing this movie does right. The story was horrible, it sometimes couldn’t decide if it was a slapstick comedy or just sort of a silly one, and a lot of things just didn’t make any sense whatsoever. I won’t bother listing all the individual items that were bad… just know that nothing else in the movie really worked. But hey… it’s a comedy and it makes you laugh, so it’s all forgivable.



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